Friday, January 14, 2011

Light Skin Vs. Dark Skin, Stop it I Say

Well I'll be damned, I think I've seen it all. This right here is a flyer for a party in Ohio. There are so many questions to be asked. First of all what's going on with folks in Ohio? Is it not 2011 and we're still on this mess? Who thought this would be a good idea, right around MLK day? Is somebody going to be at the door with a brown paper bag, to determine who's light and who's dark? These people who are putting this party together need to say a prayer, take a nap and re-evaluate their lives.

See this is why we as black people just can't win because of ish like this. I would like to say this light vs. dark skin thing must die and be buried 6 feet under the ground. I get so tired of this topic, hell its exhausting even thinking about it. I just don't get why this is still an issue in 2011, talking about this is like my soul giving up space to rent and I don't have that much space to give up. So I won't beat a dead horse here. When I was in boarding school in Africa (yeah we'll get to that one day) light/dark skin was never an issue there. Light skin people weren't the elite over there nor were dark skin folks. My younger cousin is as dark as the bottom of a pot with long hair, and she's beautiful! When I lived in Africa nobody told her, oh you would be prettier if you was lighter. She didn't hear that ish until she moved to America, the back handed compliments and the other negative comments about her skin color didn't apply until she got here. In Africa it didn't matter beauty was beauty and ugly was ugly. Whether you were light or dark didn't matter.

All this chatter about light vs. dark is just dumb and further carrying out Willie Lynch's dream. While we sit around here and let Martin Luther's die more each day. Let's please put a stop to this, if you're pretty you're pretty it doesn't matter if you're light or dark. To my dark skin girls stop getting bent out of shape because Lil' Wayne has no dark skin girls in his latest video. We don't need anyone to cosign on our beauty and the same thing goes for my light skin girls too. If you prefer light skin girls fine, if you prefer dark skin girls cool. Sit your ass down and take a seat and stop going around and talking about your preferences.  Also the dark skin chick on this flyer ain't even dark skin, really what the hell is going on in Ohio? Happy Friday!!!!

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