I've come to the realization that I just can't date a man with kids, I'm sorry (well not really) but if I meet a man with kids I'm running the other way. No matter how much I'm feeling him or he me, its just not going down like that. Some may say that's wrong of me not to give a dude a chance because he has kids, that he could be the man of my dreams. Well, if he has kids that dream is just gonna have to be deferred. Does that make me a b!tch ? I sure as hell don't think so, but for those who may think different allow me to explain myself.
I don't have any kids, I've taken the necessary precautions not to have any children. You want to know why that is? If I'm keeping it 100, I'm not ready for kids, I'm pretty sure that I don't want any at all and if I'm really being honest I really don't like kids. So why put myself (or him) in an uncomfortable and an all round unappealing situation. I'm just not a baby crazy kind of girl, I wasn't around a lot of babies growing up it was just my brother and me. Do I think babies are cute? Yeah for the most part (y'all know there are some ugly babies) but that doesn't mean that I want to take them home and have my own personal cabbage patch kid, please miss with that. I know I wouldn't make the best babysitter for some kid and if they aren't potty trained, forget about dropping that kid off at my house. I just don't do well with children and I've found that most of my encounters with them to be a hot a$$ mess. I like dealing with kids like going to the zoo. I can look at the animals think they're beautiful, interesting and a little smelly just like kids are to me. But at the end of the day I go home and leave the animals right where I found them and that's how I feel about kids.
Some of you are reading this and are thinking this selfish a$$ heffa. To that I may agree with you to an extent but at the end of the day it's my life. So if choosing vodka tonics, shoes, and bubble gum over paying for little Sarah's daycare makes me selfish. Than that's fine I'm SELFISH! Now this isn't a slight to people with kids, more power to you and if you're good parent that's really awesome. But to the person who chooses not to have kids, they shouldn't be perceived as selfish or an incomplete person because they don't want kids. When a woman says she does want kids or see them in her near future. The looks me she gets, its as if she said she murder a whole family and the dog, then proceeded to bury them in her backyard. A lot of the time when a women doesn't have/want kids, people see her as less of a woman. They're seen as less caring and nurturing, ummmm well once again you can miss me with that ish.
There is no law written that a person must have children before they die or their destiny won't be fulfilled. Also having 4-5 kids doesn't mean that person is a good person or a better person, all it means is that person is fertile as hell. A good woman knows when she isn't ready to have kids/or want them and makes the decision not to do so. As a matter of fact a lot people with kids shouldn't even be parents in the first place and maybe if they didn't have kids half of the people that are worldstarhiphop.com wouldn't be on there promoting ratchetness. So people all I'm saying is that everything ain't for everybody and that includes having children. So if I've chosen not to have kids at this point in my life, then why in the hell would I date a man with children? That's like ordering a beet salad but you're allergic to beets, that's just dumb! If I've gone out of my way not to have kids, why can't I seek out a man who's done the same thing?
My work-mom tells me this all the time:
ReplyDelete"Girl, be selfish now, it's your time to be."
She's so right. We're young and this is a different time where women are doing more with their careers and less with domestication. Children are no longer the end all be all.
I, personally, don't date men with children. Since I'm not seriously looking to settle down I shouldn't mess with a child's grasp of commitment. Kids need stability and I'm not ready to give a kid anything except maybe a pat on the head.
Lol at the pat in the head comment, but I totally agree with you. Children aren't my focus right now or really at all. So why would/should I date a man when children are his focus? That doesn't make sense.