Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chasing The Sun

A drunk person (you know how people have one too many beers and turn in the Oracle) once said to me "As you get older you will realize that some of the people that are currently in your life won’t fit into your current lifestyle". Basically that some people are only suppose to be in your life for a season and in life things change and circumstances don’t remain the same, and with that some people may be lost along the way and guess what??? That’s okay because in this journey of life I’ve learnt that just as you lose some people, you’ll gain some more along the way as well. This isn’t to say people or relationships are disposable and that people are like a revolving door, as one gets tossed out another one gets thrown in. Naw that’s not the case because honestly people can’t be replaced…. Everyone in your life brings something a little different to the table. Like potato salad, no person’s potato salad is exactly same even if the ingredients are the same. Somehow and someway it will taste different, idk what it is about potato salad but nobody makes it the same way. People are the same way no one in your life is exactly like someone else.
However replaceable or irreplaceable a person may be to you, how do you know when that season for them being in your life has changed? When season’s changes there are signs it gets warmer, leaves change colors, flowers bloom. You know that one season has come to an end and a new is upon you. These clear cut signs aren’t always around when a season has come to an end in relation to the people in your life. Things are usually a whole lot more muffled when it comes to people and. Sometimes one incident happens to show you that person has to exit stage left of your life. Its the end of everything you ever had with them. Things like they stole money from you, or you caught them in bed with your boyfriend. Egregious acts like this will probably show that the temperature has definitely dropped on yall's relationship. Shit like this is easy to pin point it’s obvious why the relationship went from a summer of standing on the sun to the coldest winter ever.  

What’s harder to figure out are times that go from it being hotter than July to a crisp Fall air with a mix of a Indian Summer. What drives this change is more subtle, it isn’t a blatant act of disrespect.  At times its several acts of disrespectful shit that just adds up to a whole bunch of shit you’re too longer willing to deal with. It could be one too many times of their bullshit and bogus behavior that leads to reevaluate the whole relationship, and I do believe that at this point you’ll start to see the season to begin to change.  A lot of people’s relationships/friendships or demise of their relationships/friendships end up this way….. Everything was seemingly cool until it got cold. They just did one too many bogus ass things and you just got tired of their shit in general, so you start thinking about your relationship with this person and more than likely that last bogus ass act wasn’t their only trifling offense. There are several acts of foolishness, fuckery, and rubbish on their record, maybe you chose to ignore them along the way, all that other shit didn't really bother you until it just did or you just weren’t really pay attention to all of them. Whatever the case you let a lot of things slide due to the fact that there’s been some good times along the way as well, but in totality you come the realization that they maybe just a bogus ass person and that’s when you…. Fall back and sometimes you fall back to the point where you fall off. This is where the subtler changing of seasons come to play, things began to change and all of the sudden there's snow on the ground where wasn't before. What you have to keep in mind is that if the season has changed for a certain relationship…. Its okay, its life seasons change for a reason. Yeah maybe Summer is your favorite season (isn’t it everybody's) and Fall came a little too early this time around.You didn't see it coming that you would have to remove this person completely from your life or adjust the role this person has been playing in your life.  Just know that Summer will come back around it always does and maybe without that Winter dead weight next Summer maybe the one of legends. So don't go chasing the sun or seasons because they always come back around.