So as you may or may not know I moved to another city recently its been a crazy couple of months. Well, I moved to Chicago!! Its a beautiful city and full of great food and great people I can't say I love it yet but I definitely don't hate it. Its just different and I'm doing my best to take it all in stride. Between quitting my job and trying to find a new (this right here has been a struggle). Saying goodbye to old friends and making new ones, things have good, bad, ugly, and somewhere in between all of these things.
The one thing I will say is I didn't realize how southern I was until moving here. Between people asking me where I'm from every time I open my mouth and folks saying I must not be from around here. I'm starting to question things about me and people from the south in general. The first time someone asked me where I was from was when I went on a job interview and the security guard claimed I must not be from Chicago. I asked him why, he said " because you said good morning to everybody you saw in the building, people don't really speak to other people around here like that". I told him, "where I'm from you speak to people, its just common courtesy". He went on the say well something about being careful who I spoke to up here and that I just couldn't talk to any and everybody. That this wasn't the country, I'm in the big city now so I shouldn't be going around here acting like Pollyanna.
Y'all know I wanted to go in on his ass but that wouldn't be the "southern belle" thing to do, so I just smiled and thanked him for the heads up. I was pissed by his comments, even though I know he was trying to be helpful. First of all sir, I said I was from the south/Atlanta not from the damn country. That is highly offensive to me (no offensive to my country people) but I've been to the country many times, the damn back woods of Mississippi to be precise and please believe me I'm nowhere near country. The town I'm talking about is so small that there's only one grocery store (Piggly Wiggly) and that bitch ain't even open on Sundays. So southern yes I am but country f*ck no! I had another guy tell me I wasn't gonna make up here because I smile too much, ummmm excuse me sir but what in sam hell is that suppose to mean? I just can with these somewhat rude ass people up here. Its not even like I'm going around smiling like a jackass or something. I just believe in being polite, well most of the time anyway and not walking around like somebody stole my bike and killed my dog all on the same day. So if that makes me Pollyanna well that's just fine and dandy but I do somewhat turn into Blanche Deveraux with enough red wine. I rather be the perfect combination of these two people any day of the week, than half of these rude and savage people walking around here but I still love Chicago.
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