Monday, March 18, 2013

No Apologies

You know some people can never say they’re sorry… it doesn’t matter if the transgression they did was small or bigger than the state of Texas. It’s like they are physically incapable of say “I’m Sorry” or any form of those words. Hell some people won’t even admit that they were wrong about something let alone apologize about it, this behavior is truly baffling and disgusting. I know a few people like that in my life and I truly think that they need to be studied… like a psychological case study, someone needs to come in observe these people, write a research thesis about them, and get it published in a medical journal or something. My gosh some of these fool I know are ridiculous.
Or maybe they just need to go listen to this song whatever the case may be, an intervention is needed. I’m not sure how y’all deal with people like this but I found that the best way is just not to engage. I don’t argue with them like at all….. and if they try to argue with me I don’t argue back I just say “you got it”. Why?? Well after years of arguing, disagreeing, slap-boxing, and whatever else with them and getting nowhere with them. I realized that they’re NEVER going to open their minds or eyes and try to see things differently, so what’s really the point of trying. They’re so concerned with being right, they never realize when they are wrong. So after years of butting heads with said people I learnt the best way to deal with them is to pay them dust, I give them nothing to argue with me about.  This quote is so accurate when it comes to dealing with the No Apologies crew "Never argue with a fool, people might not be able to tell the difference." Bam!! I’m not arguing with you because there’s no point, with the No Apologies crew they are always right, even when proven wrong like with scientific data… an apology is never going to happen. They stand strong in their convictions, they stick by that wrongness with all the colors of the wind. I personally don’t have time for that fuckery…. So I let them be.
Arguing is already exhausting in the first place but auguring with a person from the No Apologies Crew will put your ass in a coma. I’ve tried it and have never succeeded. The closest I ever got was a change of subject. What is this phenomenon? Well it’s when you’re arguing with a person and you’ve made your point correctly, you’re basically winning the argument and the No Apologies member knows this and instead of succeeding or apologizing they don't because they’re just can never admit when they’re wrong. They instead starting talking/arguing about other shit unrelated to the initial argument. They try to flip the script….. They’ll start talking about past things you’ve done wrong. Shit that happened weeks, months, and even years ago that’s unrelated to the topic at hand. Example:
Me: “But you said you were going to take the trash out and here it sits still in the can and now the garbage truck is gone.”
Member of the No Apologies crew: “Ummmm, okay but you over cooked the salmon last week, so what?”
Me: “Excuse me asshole we ain’t talking about over or under cooked salmon, we’re talking about this trash still sitting in the can.”
Member of NAC: “Well in never rains in Southern California.”
Me: “I ain’t got time for this.”

This is the blueprint of an argument with someone in the NAC, no acceptance of responsibility, no signs of contriteness, and definitely no apology.  Just stubbornness, denial, misplacement of blame, and general bitchassness. Can these type of people change? Well I would like to think so but I’m not betting on it. So if you’re dealing with this type of person by choice or by force just know there really isn’t any changing them and arguing with them is fruitless. Just pay them dust and give them about as much energy as a new Tierra Marie single would generate which is no energy at all.   


  1. I know plenty of people who are members of that crew. I just don't understand... if the study was done, I'd definitely read it. Do they really think they're never wrong? Or do they feel like they give up a certain power by apologizing?

    Although I believe people can change, they have to realize the problem and make a distinct effort to change it... and a lot of these people are just too proud to do so.

  2. @Cherie I think that for these people actually saying I'm sorry is giving up some type of imaginary power.... So they choose to just not to admit when they're wrong or apologize for their actions. In my personal opinion this makes them actually weak and not powerful.
