"I just want a boyfriend," this was a statement made by one of my friends. She went on to ramble on about, how she just wanted a boy to take her out and to have something to do on Friday nights, other than go bar hopping with us. She was tried of being single and that the single life sucked *and here's where I insert teardrops and a violin playing in the background*. As I listened to her, I understood where she was coming from to an extent.
Yeah, maybe having a boyfriend wouldn't be a bad idea, you maybe I wouldn't have to kill my own spiders and having someone pay for my meals every once in a while would be nice. Hell having regular d!ck on deck would be nice too. Then I thought about it some more and a couple of other thoughts entered my head. Like first of all you could have all the things I just said and the things my friend wants, while being single. You've just gotta play your cards right but more importantly getting a boyfriend doesn't equal happiness. Now follow me on this, some people women are sitting around like Rapunzel in a tower, waiting on prince charming to ride up on his white horse to safe them from a life of unpleasantness, misery, and boredom. So that they can go riding off into the sunset with this man and live happily ever after. Now I've already touched on how life isn't like the movies before, so I won't go too deep into it this time around. However, I do want to say this what's left out of the story is the part that although you maybe living in this big castle with your prince. He is off with his boys playing with his toys, while your at home washing his drawers and wishing for the days when you were in your old tower.
Look it's okay to want a boyfriend at some point we all do and myself included. There's nothing wrong with wanting a boyfriend and all the things that come along with being in a relationship. Where I don't think it's okay, is when you want someone there to fill a void or to complete you. You better find that by yourself and within yourself. Nobody is going to love you better than you can love yourself. Some man isn't going to come along and rescue you from this life of misery you call the single life because often times or not you have to learn how to rescue yourself. Cause at the end of the day he just may say, he can't be your superman.
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