Monday, April 18, 2011

Shifting Through The Garbage

You know I go in a lot about guys you shouldn't date and the sheer amount of lameness I/we encounter on a daily basis, from thirsty and wack a$$ dudes. I talk about it a lot because it's so prevalent in our society, dudes using the same tried lines they used in high school.  Hitting girls with weak game and just generally being a boil on a butt of any half way decent looking girl that passes their way. From the guys who just don't know how to take a hint to the ones who call you a b!tch because you politely deny their advances, and guys really?? We are still doing this in 2011? Just because she doesn't want to give you her number, that doesn't make her a b!tch or ugly. I'm pretty sure if she was ugly you wouldn't tried to holla at her in the first place.  Anyhoo, I talk about it a lot because it happens a lot and I just don't think men who don't behave in such a manner realize this.

I really don't think men who are on the opposite side of the spectrum really understand what some women have to endure with these lame and corny men. Years of being berated by over eager men, who want to drink your bath water or sop you up with a biscuit, gets to be f@cking ridiculous. After a while it makes you a little jaded and disenchanted with men. You may start to look down at the ground when passing a group of men on the street, as to avoid the cattle call they do. But honestly that never works. Its almost as if for every guy you meet that you genuinely like, you'll encounter 15 lames. So sometimes when a men runs into a woman that's had her fair share of lames, her puzzle is going to be a little harder to solve and that's not always her fault. She may not smile when you pass her on the street, but that doesn't mean she isn't sweet. On a side note please stop asking women to smile when you do see them, because sometimes she may not have anything to smile about at that moment, and its not your job to inquire as to way that is. It usually just further exacerbates the situation.  It's her way for warding of lame a$$ men, hell half the time you have to be damn near like a ninja keeping these wack dudes away.

So sometimes when a girl kinda has her guard up it's not always because her ex was an a$$hole or she has daddy issues. Don't always assume its because her last breakup was worst than Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn's in "The Breakup". It might just be because the last couple of dudes she's dealt with have been lame as hell. Its hard out here for a single girl, so when she says you're different from the rest, take that to heart because she means that in the best way possible. She knows of what she speaks.

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