Thursday, April 14, 2011

Is There A Secret To Marriage?

I have you notice that the most people who give you advice about relationships aren't married people? Well I've started to notice it, now I've already gone in on Steve Harvey's a$$ but this isn't really about him, Hill Harper, Tyrese or anyone else for that matter. But let me say this I'm gonna need Tyrese to go back to singing, making the fast and the furious part 27 or something because him sitting around on twitter all day telling single women what they need to do or not do. Has to stop right now, its just not cute and I'm gonna need you to go back to your day job. If anyone saw him on the Wendy William's show, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. He was sitting there on that couch just sounding really crazy.

Now let me stop talking about Tyrese and get to my point, while I was watching him on the show I had a thought, why don't married people give out relationship advice? Like seriously I never hear married people talk about relationships, famous couples or not so famous ones they don't dish out advice about relationships. The only time married people start talking about their relationships is if they're having problems other than that their lips are sealed. You don't see Will Smith or Tom Hanks writing books about relationships, Why? I think I know the answer. See married people happily married people know the secret to stay that way, which is. There is no secret except to keep your mouth shut and keep outsiders to a minimum. 

See when a couple is happy there's really no need to go around spewing out advice because they're too busy being happy or marginal happy. When advice is given out especially about relationships people want to know what makes said person an expert. What's their relationship like, how long have they been with their partner? The questions are never ending. Which is why I believe married people don't usually volunteer giving advice about relationships, a lot of the time it just starts to become too invasive. When you have people that are prying in to your personal business/relationship it muddy the waters and most of the time causes unnecessary drama inside of your relationship. So I assume its just easier for them just not to advise people about the inner workings of marriage and just let those who aren't married keep giving out advice, confusing the sh!t out of us single people. 

1 comment:

  1. I seen Tyrese on Wendy Williams and he just was to be a huge celebrity. Making his "pop up" apprearances on The Brandy and Ray J show and The LALA wedding series.
