Monday, October 3, 2011

They Don't Date No More

So there seems to be this new phenomenon that's been going on for the past couple of years in game of dating. What is this thing I speak of? Well people actually aren't going on dates anymore. Think about it when was the last time you actually went on a proper date with a guy you just met? I'm not sure about everyone else but it's been a hot little minute for me. When I say a proper date, watching him play Madden at his homeboy's house doesn't count. I'm talking about one of those DJ Tanner from Full House dates. I mean he picks you up at your house or you meet him somewhere (because dudes are crazy nowadays and you can't just let anybody up in your house, stalking is real on these streets. Seen Law and Order: SVU lately?) Y'all go to a public place, i.e. a restaurant, a movie, or doing some kind of activity and there are other people around.

These dudes nowadays want to come over to your house, order a pizza, and watch Boardwalk Empire on your couch (because you have premium channels and he doesn't). Boy stop it, I say!! What the f*ck part of the game is this? So you really want to come over to my place, watch TV, and eat pizza? Is this suppose to be a date and a first date at that sometimes? What makes a man think this is acceptable, can somebody explain this to me? Actually a better question is, what basic ass heffas have been letting these men think this swindle okay?  Under the pretense of "oh baby I just want to spend some time together, why does it matter where we go"? Because n#gga it matters! I want to round these girls up and bitch slap them back to reality because they are f*cking it up for everybody else.

Now to the men that thinks this sh!t is acceptable, I am here to tell you right here and now that sh!t isn't gonna fly anymore. Nor, is asking a girl to come over to your house either. All this coming over to somebodies house and watching a movie and cooking dinner has got to stop. Unless you have a Tyler Perry size movie theater in you house and you are having a private screening of a movie with at least 10 other people there or Bob Flay is throwing down in your kitchen. Coming to your house isn't a date, so stop calling it that and call it what it really is hanging out. What really kills me, is when a woman declines this wack ass excuse of a date, dudes really get mad  and confused by why a girl wouldn't want to spend time with him at his house or her house. First of all its a comfort and safety issue, most women aren't gonna feel comfortable or safe in private quarters with a man she just met at the gas station 10 days ago. Sh!t, that's how people get raped and thrown into the river. Safety first, so when that same girl comes to your house on a first date and pepper sprays your ass for being a little too touchy-feely don't be surprised.

So men stop asking women to come over to your place or if you can come to her place in the initial stages of dating. You're not Teddy Pendergrass and nobody is going to come and go with you over to your place, that mess isn't cute. Stop doing this sh!t, so that awkward conversations don't need to happen or you don't get cussed out. If you perceive a young lady you like not to be a $2 hoe, than don't come at her with some $2 hoe bullsh!t. Don't have her reject your offer of a "date" like Mutombo and get your feelings hurt. Nobody is saying spend half your check taking out a woman on a first date, we all know its a recession. But damnit ain't nobody trying to sit up in your funky ass apartment and watch First 48 either. There's gotta be a middle ground, so find it and stay there please.


  1. Hahaha, this is so true. And I really don't know why I'm laughing because it's actually kind of sad. I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy; I like going for a night on the town. Once you get settled in and comfortable it's also nice to eat pizza and watch TV with your significant other, but even my past relationships we always made time to go out, even if it was just dinner and a movie or something like that. It keeps things interesting, ya know?

  2. Yeah a lot of people have become really lazy went it comes to dating... this is really sad but funny at the same time. The stories I have heard about some non-dates are down right hilarious.
