So I have this thing about myself, I hate when people give me advice and I know they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. For example, if let's say.... Ray J gave you any advice about having a successful singing career, would you listen to him? F*ck no, why? Because he doesn't have a successful singing career, he may think he does but we the people clearly know he doesn't. What I've come to realize is that people in general love to give advice about any topic. You want to know where to go fly fishing? Dave will tell but what Dave won't tell you is that he's never gonna fly fishing a day in his life but he knows all the great spots. I think people just like to hear themselves talk and make themselves feel smart. Actually what I really think is that these people's lives suck so much, and the fact that you have a dilemma (or a perceived dilemma) makes them sing happy,happy, joy, joy in their demented minds.
However, what brothers me more than folks giving advice and they have no idea what they're talking about and you know this for a fact. Is the unsolicited advice by these same people, see it would be my own fault for being annoyed by this advice and this person if I had asked for said advice. As I've said before these motherf*ckers just like to hear themselves talk and you could be talking to them about the new season of The Office and then all of a sudden they're telling you need to be putting more money in you 401K. Really b@tch??? You don't even have a 401K but you want to tell me what to do with mine? Get all the way up out of here with that sh!t.
Last week I was talking to someone and of course they inquired about my dating life... which I have no problem talking about, why? Because ain't sh!t to talk about, I'm chilling and I'm fine with that (I have a lot of other sh!t going on, like finding a job). But this person thought I wasn't fine with it and thought they would give me some unsolicited advice, by telling be where I need to go to pick up men and what to do when I pick up these men. Now while they're talking I'm side-eyeing the f*ck out of this person, she's going on and on like they're Dr. Drew or somebody. All I can think about is that this person is dating a married man and has been dating this married man for 3 years!!! My dear please have a window seat on that fantasy ride you're on. This b!tch is about as delusional as Ciara thinking she's got a hit album left in her career. For three years this woman has been with this married man, but she thinks she's better than all of the other Jezebels because she respects this man's wife. How does she do this? Well she makes sure he always answers his wife's calls while they are fornicating, she doesn't allow him to bad mouth his wife in front of her, and she tries to have minimal contact with him when he's with his wife. She does all this while they both are committing adultery. So just because she's set up this parameters with her married boyfriend, she thinks she's better than the other side-chicks that's spreading their legs to married. Chile... just because you think you're "respecting" his wife with these rules, you're still disrespecting her by sleeping with her husband. So okay bye to you're advice about my dating life or anyone else's. O_o
Look I'm not here to judge this woman about her dealings with married men, so if she wants to continue to live this Fantasia Barrino life is not a fairy tale life she's living.... that's fine. I'm not even here to tell her to close her legs to married men (although I think she should because that's how people get shot). Do you boo. What I have a problem with is this woman and people like her who are in way more f*cked situation than me, want to give me unsolicited advice about what I'm doing and what I need to do. Don't give me advice about dating just because your dating a married man. That does not make you an authority on the subject, if anything it makes you less than one. Think about it you couldn't go out and find a man that could give you all of his free time i.e. he's single, instead you're settling for a man that's giving you borrowed time.... smh. So please keep your advice to yourself until someone asks you for it.
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