Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I never understood people that want pats on their backs because they're doing the things they are "suppose" to do.  What I mean is have you ever come across people that say shit like this? "Well at least I take care of my kids" or " I'm not out here doing crack". Bitch, boo bye!!! Do you want a damn Thin Mint cookie because you're doing the things you're suppose to do, like taking care of the child you brought into the world or you not being on some kind of mind altering narcotic. Well sir or madame you won't get any cereal box prizes here.

That's the problem with a lot of people today. We are so use to a below level standard things that mediocrity is celebrated like its a holiday. Things like not going jail ever is what's up, but guess what? You shouldn't be doing shit to get you in jail in the first place. Shit like not being 16 and pregnant gets you a gold star stickers but call me crazy being 16 and pregnant should be frowned upon. You shouldn't be on a reality show getting famous because you're a statistic. Hell I couldn't image being 28 and pregnant let alone being 16, that's another post for another day. Honestly I've had people look at me like I'm bat-shit crazy because I don't have any children at my age. Then they ask me why, I tell them because I don't have a husband. Yeah that part always trips them up and makes them roll their eye at me. The song goes first comes marriage and then comes Brittany in a baby carriage. People have that shit twisted these days.... smh.  

Well good people I don't think the confetti should be thrown because you're not 16 and pregnant, on drugs, or not in jail. Chile that's things you suppose to be or not be doing. Its that simple. Doing the bare minimum isn't cause for a parade. We're are a nation of borderline achievers. I read an article about a school that doesn't assign grades to students because they don't want the underachievers to feel bad. This to me is complete bullshit, I say let the underachievers know what they're doing. So that they can try to be overachievers. There's no honor roll students everyone gets an award whether they did good or bad in school. This is absolute bullshit..... what the fuck do you mean grades aren't assign?  All this coddling is good for who? How does a school exist that all the kids gets passing grades??? Even if they didn't pass, you still get the same grade as the student that over-passed. Get the fuck out of here what kind of life lessons are you teaching these kids. Even if I'm not at smart as the kid next to me we still get the same grade O_o. Then the poor kid that is getting A's is getting the same grades as the D student. What kind of world are we living in that this is okay? This type of thinking isn't helping anyone and if this kind of stuff keeps happening.Well I'm afraid Whitney Houston was incorrect the children aren't our future. All I'm saying is stop celebrating mediocrity and start celebrating excellent. 


  1. I so agree with this. It's sad that so many people don't do what they're supposed to that we celebrate 'average.' At work, we have an ABCD (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty) award each month and all it does is annoy me. People are awarded for things like sharing a teaching resource - it's what they should be doing!!

  2. Yes!! It's like people want to reward mediocrity... smh!!!
