The show is a like a Diva Parody show with Patti Labelle, Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Donnie Warwick, Rhianna, Mary J. Blige, and whole bunch of other folks. The show is completely fictitious but completely hilarious. I when I tell you I laughed so hard that I was crying I'm NOT exaggerating. This is the second season of the show and it's already three episodes deep. So I'm postiong the episodes from this season, but I suggest looking at the season one first. But yes please get your life to this!!!!!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Got 2B Real
I'm not sure if you guys have heard of this web series on YouTube called Got 2B Real. If you haven't prepare yourself to be amused. I don't remember exactly how I came across this web series, I think someone retweeted the creator's( @PattiLaHelle) tweets on my timeline. I do know this though, I'm grateful as hell I found it because my dear it's funnier than anything I've seen on TV is a long time.
The show is a like a Diva Parody show with Patti Labelle, Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Donnie Warwick, Rhianna, Mary J. Blige, and whole bunch of other folks. The show is completely fictitious but completely hilarious. I when I tell you I laughed so hard that I was crying I'm NOT exaggerating. This is the second season of the show and it's already three episodes deep. So I'm postiong the episodes from this season, but I suggest looking at the season one first. But yes please get your life to this!!!!!
The show is a like a Diva Parody show with Patti Labelle, Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Donnie Warwick, Rhianna, Mary J. Blige, and whole bunch of other folks. The show is completely fictitious but completely hilarious. I when I tell you I laughed so hard that I was crying I'm NOT exaggerating. This is the second season of the show and it's already three episodes deep. So I'm postiong the episodes from this season, but I suggest looking at the season one first. But yes please get your life to this!!!!!
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