The other day I was watching TV and came across The Steve Harvey Show, and a thought entered my head. How and when did Steve Harvey become a relationship expert? When did we take a vote on this and say yes I want Steve Harvey to publish a book talking about how to act like a lady, and think like a man. If you would've told me ten years ago when his show was on TV, that this man would be dishing out relationship advice like meds in a psych ward. I would have laughed, who've thought that this guy with his loud suits and his hair plugs. Would be the go-to guy for relationship advice. I demand we recount this vote.
See my problem with Steve Harvey and his advice is that he has a sketchy relationship background, he has been married three times! So my question is what makes him qualified to be an expert on relationships when he's fail at them on at least two occasions. Some may say since he's been through all the ups and downs then he knows of what he speaks. Well I'm not buying it, I'm not renting it, I don't want to put it on layaway, and I don't want a damn raincheck. I'm sorry Steve Harvey I just can't rock with you on this. The thing that really kills me about his expertise is that women are really buying into his advice. I've had so many women ask me if I've read his book, in which I reply I've skimmed through it at the bookstore. I can say I found that he did have some good points. But so does the my hairdresser, and the dude in the mailroom but does that make them experts? A better question is why is that when a woman attempts to be a relationship expert she has to have a Ph.D, been married for at least 5 years, and a whole list of other qualifications before anybody will listen to her?
The point of it all people is that relationship advice doesn't have to come from books, movies, or your mama. Nobody is an expert because what works for one person may not work for the next. I'm just not sure people should go around quoting relationship advice from books written by comedians or any pseudo celebrity like its the new gospel. I'm not knocking Steve Harvey or anybody like him, cause lord knows these days everybody needs a side-hustle. All I'm saying is advice can come from anywhere or anybody, you just have to know where to apply it. The best advice I got about relationships so goes a little something like this. "When I guy likes you'll know it and when he doesn't he'll confuse the shit out of you"~ Grandma
I agree! Steve Harvey is not my go to relationship guy. I don't like his stand up.... I didn't like his TV show..... and I personally don't like his attitude....I have decided that he probably doesn't have good relationship advice.