Have you ever been on a date with someone you really didn’t like, just so you’ll have something to do? Like you’re not at all feeling this person but they asked you out and you had nothing else to do, so you go out with them. I’ve done this and I’m sure we all have done this at some point in our lives. Well while I have made this mistake before, I have seen the errors of my ways in regards to this subject and plan on NEVER dating a guy I don’t like or I am not attracted too. Here’s why. You know you don’t like this dude, like none what so ever. There’s pretty much nothing he can do or say that would make you think about dating him seriously. Hell, you’re not even attracted to him in the slightest way. The thought of you having sex with him makes you drier than, those horrible ass jokes on Tyler Perry’s House of Payne. So why in the hell would you even think about sharing a meal or air space with this man? Now I’m not here to knock anyone’s hustle. If you want to hang out with people you have lackluster feelings for, to get yourself a Jack Daniels burger at TGFI, than May the power be with you. I at this point in my life cannot participate in such things. There’s no way on God’s green Earth that I’m going out with some negro just because he asked if I’m not attracted to him or see myself potentially liking him. We’re not going out any damn where. Here are a few reasons why.
1) I have better things to do: This is pretty much self-explanatory. The things I may have to do may consist of, washing my hair and watching Gilmore Girls on ABC Family channel or watering my plants. Whatever I may be doing; my time will be better spent doing those things, than sitting up in Starbucks talking to some mediocre dude about the last GOP debate. No thanks.
2) Energy: I think I talked about my energy level when it comes to dealing with men at this point in my life in a previous post I'm Just So Unmoved. Look my ass is like 5 miles to empty. I can’t use my precious energy on men I’m not feeling at all. Dating takes energy. I’m about tapped out and I’m looking the nearest energy source. My friends that energy source isn’t going to be found dealing with men I don’t like, not feeling, or gross me the f*ck out.
3) The Headache: If you go out with someone you feel so-so about, they’re going to expect something from you. It maybe sex or just a second date, whatever the case maybe this guy is going to want something from you. Why?? Because would went out with him and therefore in his mind you must like him or like something about him. He obviously likes you, which is why he asked you out, so by you accepting his offer he figures the feelings are mutual. So now you have a problem on your hands. This dude you went out with for sh!ts and giggles, now thinks he has a real chance with you. So he will call, text, tweet, send you a fax, or use whatever form of communication needed to reach you. To harass your ass about when is he going to be able to see you again aka “get up in them guts”. Therefore you’ll either have to tell you’re not feeling him like that or dodge him for the next few weeks. Sometimes this doesn’t even work and this is where the headache happens. All this trouble for a 2 for 20 dinner at Applebee’s ain’t worth it, hell it’s not worth if y’all are going out to Morton’s steak house.
If your dating men you’re mildly attracted or you just never really considered dating before, by all means date these men, that’s how you find out what you really want in a relationship and that’s want dating is all about. What I’m talking about is dating men that in your mind are like Jerome off Martin, the never gonna get it n@ggas. Look at the clip, these are the type pf men I'm talking about. The men who don't even have a chance in hell of you wanting to even hold their hand, let alone letting them sniff your panties; these are the men I’m talking about. The men you’re going out with for a free meals and some attention, for the sole reason of its something to do. Girl….. you have failed and I would advise you to find a hobby or take a class at your local YMCA because my dear your wasting your time and his.