Sunday, December 11, 2011

Is He Serious?

Who's ever encountered a man and within 48 hours of knowing him, he's asking you to do or just about some dumb sh!t? For example after your 1st date. You text him to tell him you had a good time but instead of replicating that sentiment he hits with this bullsh!t, " Hey can you sent me a naked pic"? WTF??? So you re-read the text because you can't believe this fool asked you some sh!t like this but there it is in black and white. How do you go from hey I had a nice time with you; to send me a naked pic, did you miss the memo? Is this what's really up in the world now? Dudes using groupon on dates and then in turn asking for naked pics to add to their own personal soft porn collections. There are so many questions to be asked but the big one that comes to mind is, what the hell do I look like sending this guy a naked pic? A hoe and not just a hoe but a $2 hoe at. Why would he think its okay to ask some foolishness like that? What happened in your Katherine Heigl/normal ass date, that would prompt a man to ask you for a naked pic. SMDH..... well dudes who do things like this have some balls on them and what they are doing is letting those balls hang.

The younger me would've have went all the way off on some man if he asked me some sh!t like this. The older me wouldn't and doesn't do such things any more. All I would do now is simply say "NO or "Yes I do have naked pics but I'm don't sending them to you". Then again since he didn't precisely identify have kind of naked pic, I would send him a pic of a penis. It would all depend on my mood, but I what I won't do is cuss him out. First of all he's probably not worth me cussing out in the first place and secondly I know why he's asking me that question. It's not because he thinks you're a hoe, its because he's trying you. Just like the Grammys tried the entire f*ck out of Beyonce by not nominating her for any real awards this year. I'm still listening to her 4  album and the Grammys are nominating Kelly Price for R&B song of the year.....  WTF yeah, okay its whatever. Sorry I went on a little rant.

Well that's basically what this idiot is doing trying the f*ck out of you to see what kind of response he'll get. Also he's asking you this because believe it or not, its worked before. Yup, he or someone he knows asked some ratchet ass girl this same very question and she sent a pic of her damn near busting it wide open. Dudes who do this are either dumb as f*ck or wildly brilliant, I haven't decide which one yet. See asking question like this is an easy way for them to weed out women. Its a way for them to see who's DTF (down to f*ck) and those who aren't DTF. Its a way to tell the jumpoffs from the girls with potential to be girlfriends. So in a way its kind of brilliant on their part, since all men are trying to f*ck anyway, all this is doing is speeding up the process. If a girls sends a pic back she's DTF like right now and if she doesn't she isn't DTF, well at least not at that moment. Also when a girl tells him no, he can say some sh!t like, " I was just playing" or " It was just a joke". Yeah right... but that's his way of trying to save face. So now that you have that information maybe the guy isn't an asshole or a perv and you shouldn't be to rash in your decision to kick him to the curb. Maybe he's just a guy and that's what guys do, try to find DTF girls in the most efficient way possible. It might make him a little childish but not necessarily a douchbag. What do you guys think?


  1. This cracked me up! Dudes these day....smh

  2. Yes!!!! Dudes these days are just the worse... Lol. This story actually happened to me, so yeah. I couldn't make this stuff even if I wanted to.
