Monday, December 5, 2011

Attention Whores

If there’s one type of person I can’t stand in this world it’s an ATTENTION WHORE, they’re up there on my shit-list right after a liar and a thief. To all of my attention whores I have a question. When the hell did Queen Elizabeth die and make you the successor for the Queen of England? Oh yeah, btw Kate Middleton already has that spot, so try again queen. Attention whores are the people that do things, just so somebody can acknowledge their presence and pay attention to their ass.  99% of the time attention is paid them for the wrong things and reasons. Attention whores are the   type of people that go to the club VIP, buy bottles, and jump on couches like they’re Diddy or some damn body. All so they can be seen. Then they usually turn around and ask you for $300 the next week to pay their car note because they spent all their bill money trying to floss at the club. If this is you, your life is completely out order .But why would someone do all of this? They’re an attention whore that’s why. They want people to stop and do the Look at me now stare and dance, while they’re doing foolish sh!t just to be seen.  These are the people that do dumb shit or lie on their lives and mama’s lives too, so that people can be like, well damn I wish I was doing that big too. See back home we call this type of behavior flexin’, they’re just showing off because they like the attention. 9 times out of 10, its bullsh!t. Most of what they’re saying and claiming are false and they are really not about that life. People that are really about that kind of life, they don’t talk about it. You never hear them talk about the things they have or the things they’re doing, because real G’s move in silence.

Then you have the attention whore that needs the attention and comfort from the opposite sex or same-sex depending on their preference. These people are the ones that have their ass cheeks as their profile pic on Facebook or they tweet sh!t  like “My vibrator is broken. Anybody want to buy me a new one and use it on me?” (No, I really did see this on my timeline once). When I see things like this all I can think about is, damn so this is what it’s come to and I hope your parents don’t know about the life you’re leading. Hoeing yourself out on twitter so some rusty ass dude can send you a dm of his ashy penis ain’t hot in the streets but girl/boy….. I guess. When you come into contact with an attention whore and you yourself aren’t one, they are going to get on your hot damn nerves and there are for several reasons for that.

One, since you’re not out in the world looking for people to validate your whole entire life. The behavior of an attention whore is going to be more baffling and confusing to you than Wacka Flocka Flame in AP Calculus 3 class. You won’t understand why this person has on f*ck me pumps walking around Target at 11:34am on a Tuesday. Don’t try to understand it, just know they’re looking for attention in the worst kind of way and keep it moving. Another point I would like to make is that, if you are out and about with an attention whore and you just so happen to get more attention than them, i.e. more men are approaching you. Be prepared the fury of hate that’s going to happen, the hate won’t be directed at you but at every damn thing. Things like this are going to be said.

“This place is wack.”
“He/she ain’t even that cute.”
“He/she ain’t got no money.”
“Where are all the cuties.”
And finally…..
“I’m ready to go.”

All of this and probably more will be said all because, they aren’t getting any attention and if they aren’t getting nobody else is allowed to receive any attention. So pack your patience and Excedrin when dealing with an attention whore or just don’t deal with their ass. If you are an attention whore, its okay if others get noticed too, I promise you will survive. Also if you’re out here hoeing yourself out here for hot pockets , Express gift cards and whatever the hell else, please stop and re-evaluate the situation or get a puppy. 

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