Wednesday, August 15, 2012

There's No Crying In Baseball

You know some people are just criers and that’s perfectly ok. I place no judgment on them for that, sometimes the simplest things (that’s what most people think) can set them off and they proceed to cry you a river. I have friends that are easy criers, sometimes their cries don’t always indicate they’re sad or they have a serious problem. It’s just their release mechanism, everyone’s release or coping mechanism is different. Some people rage against the machine, some drink themselves into a drunken stupor, others take a nap, and some just cry about. I think I’m a combo of all those things, I been known to have my One Last Cry like Brian McKnight and they proceed to drink some wine and take my ass to bed. Please believe I’m not above crying about any damn thing. But what I refuse to do is cry at work. Let me re-phrase that, I refuse to cry in front of people at work because I have cried at work (like 3 weeks ago when I found out my dog died).
I’ve cried at plenty of times at work it’s just in the privacy of my car or the good old bathroom stall of the women’s restroom. See every time I’ve seen someone cry at work in front of people…. Well the shit is just terrible. Terrible I say!!  First if you’re crying at work people are going to gather around like they are witnessing the birth of Christ and ask what’s wrong. So there you are snotty nosed, puffed eyed, and red faced… just a hot mess and now you have to explain to people (1/2 of them you don’t like) what the fuck your problem is. If it’s non-work related people are going to be more sympathetic towards you but if your ass is cry because your supervisor chewed your ass out in the 9:00am meeting and you go to your desk at 9:30am crying….. People aren’t going to be so understanding. It doesn’t matter if you’re a male or female and if some gives you a tissue or not.  They’re all thinking what the hell is wrong with this bitchass. You will be ever and a damn day be labeled as well for lack of a better word a crybaby. Women you already know office politics are harder on us, is it fair no but life isn’t fair. So if you start going up in your place of employment crying like someone stole your bike, you will be JUDGED and labeled. People are going to throw your ass into the emotional, unstable, and difficult to work with category. People will avoid doing things to set you off…. It just becomes this all around nuisance. I know from first-hand experience how crying at work is just not the move you want to make.
At the time I was working at my after school job while I was in high school. I worked at a local grocery store chain in the Southeast region of the country. As Monica would’ve said “It was just one of those days where I wanted to be all alone” Now I can remember exactly why I was so upset that day. I believed  I had a shitty day at school, I want to say I got a not so good grade on my physics test, I’m sure something about a boy was bothering me as well, my mom had pissed me off, and I quite possibly could’ve been on my period.  Anyway I get to work, I was a cashier there. Now I distantly remember Simply Red’s Holding Back the Tears playing over the loud speaker at the store .My boss says something to me I have no idea what, but I was standing next to one of the bag boys and after whatever the fuck my boss said to me I burst into tears. Now I stand firm in my conviction in that Simply Red’s Hold Back the Tears is the saddest and most emotionally turbulent song ever written. I think hearing that song sent me over the edge and the waterworks ensued.  Yeah it was pretty bad, so bad in fact my boss sent me home for the day. Not in a bad I was suspended from work way but in a; you’re clearly going through some shit and you need to go lay down or something kind of way.  However before I went home I was bombarded with a 100 questions about what was wrong with me, and I couldn’t answer any of them because there was nothing really wrong with me to be crying like Trey from Boyz in the Hood after Ricky was shot. So that made me cry even more…smh. While I was weeping like a baby, I heard the bag boy say “well damn I’ll go get the buggies from outside, there’s no need to cry”. So there started the rumor around the store from that day until the day I quit was that I was crying and Waiting to Exhale because I didn’t want to get the buggies from outside. That was SOO not the case but it didn’t matter that’s what people thought. So whenever something went down at work, people would say don’t upset her, you know she’s sensitive, you’re not gonna cry about are you? So learn from my mistake at 17 don’t ever cry at work unless somebody has died or something. You better do it like Samantha Jones from Sex and the City and hold your composure until you get to the elevator.


  1. I fully agree with you, you have to keep it on the down low when you cry at work (yesterday I hate to admit I cried over my boyfriend in the bathroom) but the worst thing is when you're holding it together (barely but successfully) and then someone comes and says either 'hey are you alright' or brings up the very thing that put you in that state in the first place (boss asks if you can do a couple extra experiments for his paper and those are the very ones you've been struggling with for months).... nothing puts you over the edge quite like that!

  2. @Sara I totally agree crying at work in front of people is the all around pits. The thing is if you see someone crying you automatically want to ask them if they're okay and what's the problem, and if you're crying people asking you what's wrong only exacerbates the situation!! Its just a bad move all the way around.

  3. Frustration+rage usually starts my crying at work and I HATE IT! People think I'm sad or upset, but really I'm just so freakin' angry I want to punch someone in the face! The worst part is, often these episodes happen at work, because if my not-work life was that frustrating, things would have to change!

    There have been several times I've been pissed off/frustrated beyond holding back the tears and had to tell someone (not so quietly usually) that, "I'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm crying because you have pissed me off and frustrated me so much that I can't be in the same room with you right now," and promptly walk out to collect myself. This is just as awkward as someone seeing you cry and asking what is wrong, because people are usually so taken back by the fact that I'm crying (I'm not a crier), yelling, talking about how I'm feeling vs whatever the frustrating thing is, and walking away all at the same time.

    I'd much rather just cry at work because I'm sad, lol.
