Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Horrible Co-Workers

What do you do when you can’t stand your co-worker? I’m sure everyone reading this at one point in time could not stand one of their co-workers! Maybe you’ve going through this now or maybe you’ve been through it in the past. I think it’s just one of those things that everyone goes through, like having a cold. Everyone at some point gets one no matter how much you try to avoid it. No matter how much vitamin C you take at some point in your life that cold is gonna happen, and that’s  what that co-worker is to you a nasty ass cold.

When I say you  can’t stand a co-worker I mean it’s to the point that you want to take boxing classes, so if the occasion ever arises you can Floyd Mayweather their ass in the parking lot. The thing is there are different kinds of annoying co-workers.

1)      The nosey ass co-worker- Cue Adele’s Rumor has it. This is the one co-worker that can’t keep their mouth shut. They’re also in some office drama, telling everyone’s business and trying to get in everyone’s business. When you choice not to tell this person any of your personal business, you’re stuck-up or a snob. Chile please this is work not a sleepover where we’re playing truth or dare. My theory is that these people have no lives outside of work. Work is their lives. Well I’m here to say I have a life outside of the workplace and that doesn’t include work people. I’m here to work and collect a check, not to make friends this is not the playground. I have friends outside of work and if I happen to make some a work cool if not that’s fine too; I’m not here for that.

2)      The micro-manger- This person looks over your shoulder every chance they get to see if you’re doing the job right. To this person please go kill yourself. The funny thing is most of the time this person isn’t even your boss but they are so steam pressed to see what the hell you’re up to that they seem like your boss. Always looking to see what you’re doing on your computer, always asking why you’re always on your phone, seeing what time you go and come back from lunch. It’s just ridiculous!!! This ain’t school and you’re not the principle and this ain’t jail (although it may feel like it) and you ain’t the warrant. Look if an employee has never given you or anyone else a problem and always does his/her work, then why the need to constantly check up on them??  It’s childish and just creates a stressful work environment.

3)      The Bitch- This person is never pleasant, something is always wrong, and just always in a shitty ass mood. They may yell at people in the office or they may walk around like they have an Icebox where their hearts use to be. They are as cold as the other side of the pillow. Nobody ever wants to work with them or even be around them for long periods of time. But you also have to watch out of the other kind of bitch. The Undercover bitch, they’re almost like a backstabber. You know smile in your face, then turn around and try to take your place. They’re never a blatant and out-right bitch. They just do little slick shit like ignore you emails about work stuff, say good morning to everyone in the building expect you, just little shit. These are the bitch I can’t stand the most. I rather know your angle then you try to conceal it. They are like snakes in tall grass. So if you work with people like this keep your lawn mowed because they will try it. Also I think these people need to get laid like on a regular dicking schedule or something. Look at Mary Poppins and Chi-Chi bang, bang because no one should be that miserable.

The best way I’ve learned to deal with horrible co-workers with horrible people in general is to ignore them. I mean I only talk to my shitty co-worker if its work related and that’s it. Although at first I was knocking back the $3 wine from Trader’s Joes like it was water, well I still do that but that’s not the point. Ignore their ass that’s the best advice I have. Don’t try to figure out why they’re that way or what their problem is. Don’t try to be their friend, its work not The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants.  It’s not your problem to solve you just work with them. You’re not their spouse, child, or clergy man. So ignore them give them that fake smile you give the guy when he’s making your sandwich at Subway and keep that shit moving.


  1. I have plenty of those co-workers. But Luckily I just went on vacation to Georgia. I visited my friend that just moved to Columbus, then we hit up Atlanta for a night. Its a great city!!! I was wondering If you know of any great spots in the city so when i go back in a few months, we can check em out. Love your blog!

  2. Thanks for reading!!! Yes Atlanta is a great city!!!! As for great spots to hang out it really depends on the type of scene you're looking for. I can say there always stuff going on in mid-town, especially around Crescent Ave. There's a lot of resturants, bars and nightclubs over there like Opera. Stay from Wet Willy's is always lame and wack, unless its changed from when I was living there but my friends say its still lame. But if you really want a frozen alcoholic beverage, give it a shot. The Attitude Improvements is my fav. I hope this helps you out and have fun!!!

  3. Hahah I have the Co-worker, Who calls yours desk every two minutes asking if you can do a job for them. I'm not there bitch, I have my on jobs to do at work.. I usually respond with a smart ass comment and requesting (politely ofcourse.....) that they F off.

  4. Haha, well I have the now micro-manager and the b*tch. The micro-manager has now made our lives miserable because of one stupid ass co-worker. The manager will only allow 6 work at home days a year and if we use more than that then he'll deduct from out PTO. What kind of bs is that?! And, we have to be at work on time--for salaried employees. We're in the technology field for crying out loud. This is only bc the b*tch co-worker was abusing the system. The bitch frequently comes in late, spends an hour doing her hair and makeup, spends an hour going out for lunch THEN returns to actually eat lunch. Yep, a 2-hour lunch. My suspicion is that the IT Director watched her activities' log. Thanks B*tch!

  5. I'm dealing with two... one is the gossip girl.. can't shut her mouth about anyone's business... if she doesn't have anything to talk about, she'll make something up, and she loves to play the "cold shoulder" game towards me only and I've never done anything to this woman...sadly..
    The other is the undercover brown nosing micro manager wannabe boss bitch. She is a southern hick 65+ year old receptionist...anytime anyone is doing anything, she will jump on the phone to call our actual manager who is in our main office during the week... then she relays the messages...yet whenever she disappears for 15 minutes at a time to talk to him on her cell, I'm left alone at the front to deal with a multi line phone that goes nuts almost on que...and a slew of patients walking in all wanting to be seen immediately... yet the one time I shot him a quick text when we weren't even remotely busy, I get the 3rd degree about using my phone on the clock... apparently she's a family friend...who cares?!?!
