Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do You Know Where You're Going To?

This is a little PSA for people you know that love taking trips down memory lane, if you know someone like this please pass this message along.

Have you ever met someone who is always talking about the good old days? They're always talking about how great things use to be or how great they were once upon a time, they live their current lives totally in the past.  I don't understand people like this, they are like aliens to me. The constant need to remind people about what you accomplished 5 years ago or whenever it was that you thought you were great, is just annoying as hell. Especially if the people who you're telling this to wasn't around to witness you at you're greatest.

Not only is it annoying, its kind of pathetic that you get you jollies from talking about what you use to do and who you use to be. Look some people do peak earlier than others and okay that's cool, but what are you doing with your life right now? I'm going to tell you a little something, yesterday's hits won't win today's game. Living in the past won't help you present and it damn sure won't jump start your future. They're those that say you have to look to your past to figure out your present and not to make the same mistakes you did back then in your future. I do believe that to be to true but what I'm talking about are those people  who constantly talk about when they won the state championship. Or they still have their senior picture as their profile pic on facebook and they graduated 10 years. What is your life about?? I don't want to hear about where you've been, I want to know where you're going. So don't let yesterday use up too much of today.   

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