Tuesday, February 14, 2012

No Happy Valentine's Day



Hate Valentine’s Day!!

Fuck Love!!

I wish it was just the 15th already!!!!

These are things I hear and you’ve probably have heard by bitter, lonely, and single people all over the world. When I hear ish like this I’m left to wonder….. who in the hell hurt you??? Like for real is it even that damn serious that these statement even come out of your mouth? I guess for some folks it really is that serious. Look I haven’t had a really valentine since I was like in 9thgrade but do you see me rolling my eyes because my coworker got flowers delivered to her or wanting to jump in Lake Michigan on a cold ass February day. Ummmm NO. Why? Because I don’t hate Valentine’s Day even though I don’t have a valentine. To be fair I am kinda obsessed with holidays in general, kinda in a Joan Clayton from Girlfriends way. But that’s not the point; the point is that it’s a day that love is to be celebrated. So how in the world can you be mad at that, even if you don’t have a significant other in your life per say Valentine’s Day is still about Love.

I mean I know it’s more for a romantic type of love but still it’s about love. Love is love no matter where it comes from, so if the romantic love isn’t in your life at this point in time. Focus on the love from your family or from your friends. Don’t be like the Grinch that stole Valentine’s Day because it really isn’t that serious. Its flowers, candy, dinner, and sex for most couples; all things you can buy or do by yourself without the help of someone else. So don’t be a bitter Betty or Ben its one day I promise you will survive and if you don’t think you can handle all the happy couples that day. Then please stay your ass at home and get I flunked out of college freshman year drunk. 


  1. This holiday is about love, I think it can be for everyone...not just couples.
    I'm ready for the discounted Chocolate. :D
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  2. It really is!!! Its all about love people that's all. :)
