Monday, November 7, 2011

The Intern

I was at work the other day and a thought popped in my head, "Man..... I should've done an internship". In some majors internships are required , well in my it wasn't. We just had to do a huge research project. Anyway, I think if I would have done an internship my life would be hella different right now. An internship would have provided me the necessary tools to decide if what I'm currently doing is what I should be doing. I know I wouldn't have change my major but maybe I would have  changed my focus.

See I actually had the chance to do an internship while I was in school, but I turned it down because it was in Minneapolis, MN (to damn far and to damn cold) it would have put me a semester behind, and I was far more interested in getting drunk with my friends at parties. Hence, I wouldn't have graduated on time and I was all about getting the f*ck out of school on time. So I turned it down, and boy was that a mistake.  If I was the person I am now I would have taken that internship in a heartbeat. Why? Because I it was relevant work experience and maybe I wouldn't be in the position I'm in now, which is trying to figure sh!t out. I could have done that internship and saved myself a lot of time.  Unfortunately, I don't have a Delorean and I can't go back to the future. All I can do is push forward and do my best and hope/pray for the best. So if your ever offered a chance to internship somewhere and its in your career field, just do it like Nike. Where its paid or unpaid just do it. This is a chance to figure out if this job/career is what you really want to be doing with your life. I know a person that always wanted to be a lawyer, from the time we were in middle school they know they wanted to be a lawyer. They went to college got degree, took they're LSATs, went to law school, graduate, pass the bar, got a job at a firm and guess what now? They hate being a lawyer now, they absolutely hate going to work, now that's a damn shame. This person is talking about wanting to quit their job and go be an organic farmer O_o. Well that's what they're passionat about being the farmer and the dell and maybe if they had done an internship, they would've figured that out years ago and before they spent thousands of dollars on law school. But hey you live and you learn.


  1. Very wise words. But I would say not only an internship, even a bottom level job in the field you're interested in will help give you an idea of what you're in store for. A small look in is very valuable in making life decisions. I'll have to save this blog post for my younger sisters when they get to college age. Maybe they'll get a leg up with your advice. Best of luck!

  2. Thanks for reading! Yes, internships or entry level jobs are really important and I really wish I would have taken that internship many moons ago when I had the chance. Well you live and you learn right.
