Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Disappearing Acts

So does anyone else have that one friend that once they're in a relationship, you don't hear or see their ass until the relationship is in trouble or its over? Well, I know a few people like this and I have one question for them. What the hell is your problem??? I have seen people scratch that, mostly women. Although I'm sure men do it to. That when they get a new boo thing, you don't hear from their asses anymore. There's no more hanging out, going to brunch, or anything they just fall off the face of the Earth. I just don't understand this type of behavior.

I understand that when you start dating someone new its exciting and you want to spend as much time a possible with that person, and that's okay. But some people take it to the extreme and just spend all their time with their significant other. They stop doing the things they like and start doing the things their bf/gf likes. They stop hanging out with their friends and just hang out with their bf/gf. This to me doesn't seem like healthy behavior... it seems a little needy and clingy. See I'm not talking about missing a few girls night out or book club meetings. I'm talking about going two- three months without speaking to your friends. I'm talking about not know what's going on in your friends lives, expect for what's on their Facebook status. I'm not just talking about being out of the loop a little, I'm talking about being completely out of the damn circle. People who do things like this kill me because they seem not to realize they're doing such things or maybe they do but they just don't care. The thing is that your MIA friend always comes back around when their relationship goes sour and they know that you being the friend you are, you're going to welcome them back with open arms. This is the part that really pisses me off because they're abusing the friendship and just taking advantage of the fact that you're a good friend. All I can do is SMH at these kind of folks.

I never been the person to just get so caught up in someone or something that I forget all other things going on in my life. I'm not going to stop hanging with my friends because I got a man. I may not be hanging as hard and going out every weekend with them but they will still be a major part of my life. I guess I value my friendships very highly as compared to others. Then again some people aren't good at balancing things. They can't have a significant other  and still keep their friendships intact, one is going to have to fall to the wayside. But you also have those others that just completely ignore the rules of friendship and let their bf/gf dominate their lives. When they're in a relationship its all about the person they're in a relationship with. Until their sugar turns to sh!t and then they're looking at you like Humpty Dumpty wanting you their friend to put but them together again. Sigh.... my advice to people that partake in this type of behavior. Learn how to balance the people in your life. There's no need to forgot about your friends because you're in a relationship.  Just keep in mind that these people were there before your new boo but if you keep putting them on the back burner they may not be around after the relationship.

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