Monday, April 16, 2012

I Beez In The Trap

The date. Well, if you can even call it that, idk what the hell it was a meet and greet, and outing with flares of a date. I’m not sure but it was an adventure if it wasn’t anything else. So here’s a little back story about the guy. I met him a week prior and a local watering hole. I was plastered when we met and I believed we made out a little the night. Patron will ruin your life or at least the next 24 hours of it if not used wisely. Anyway we talked on the phone a few times on the phone over the course of the week. Then on Friday he asked if I wanted to go out that night, I was busy. So he asked about Saturday night…. I was somewhat free so I told him to call me tomorrow and we’ll figure something out. Saturday comes and he calls, which I’m somewhat surprised by because I completely forgot I had a loosely planned date with him. Well he asked me what time I would be free, I said around 8. He says okay cool, we try to figure out places to go but nothing seems to mesh. So he says hey just meet me at this place, and he’ll text me the address. I say okay fine.

Well, I should’ve known that this damn date was gonna be a beautiful disaster from jump. Why? Well I mentioned I was pretty wasted when we met right? I couldn’t remember his name like at all…. Not even the first letter of his name. I know that’s just God awful and rude but I do know his name now. Also I can’t stand people without a plan, like dude you asked me out and now you’re asking me to basically plan the date. Ummmm no sir, you asked therefore you should plan the date, especially if it’s the first date. I’m not saying he needed to arrange a hot air balloon to take us around Chicago but I’m gonna need for you to do better than just show the fuck up and expect me to do all the work. Now, I mentioned how he text me the address of the where to meet him, well he didn’t do this immediately. The date was suppose to happen at 8pm, his ass didn’t text me the address until well after 9pm. So I’m already over it!!! But I tell myself well you already told him you’ll go out with him so commit to that shit and go. So I put the address into my GPS and followed the directions. Well me being the dumb-ass or the little Pollyanna a friend once told me I was, I didn’t even checked to see where the hell this place was. Everyone, I told about this date told me to Google this address but I didn’t. I just jump my ass in the car and just drove over there like I was going to the mall.

The mall is definitely not where I ended up. As I was driving the scenery began to change. The streets got bumpier, broken glass could be seen, vacant houses, and vandalized cars were on the streets. People were standing outside in front of the corner store…. Yes people I was in the hood. Now I’m that bougie that I don’t know or have been to the hood because I most definitely have. I was practically raised hood adjacent.  But I was pissed!! Like no this boy didn’t have me meet him in the hood at damn 10pm….WTF? Now, I’m getting closer to my destination and the scenery changes even further. Stray cats can be seen, more people standing on the corner but not in front of a store just the corner. I man with no teeth is rolling a tire up the street. There’s a house that people are coming in and out of but there seems to be no lights on in the house. Ladies and gentlemen I’m not in the hood anymore but I have now enter another place and it’s called THE TRAP. Clearly this is THE TRAP as I have stopped my car in front of a crack house. For those that don’t know what The Trap is, it’s a place in urban culture where drugs are sold, made, and distributed.  I stopped my car (noticed I didn’t say park, as my foot was on the brake and the car was still in drive). I call this boy and tell him I’m outside, he says he’ll be right down. It took him 15 minutes to bring his ass…. All the while I’m on the phone telling my friend this absurd situation I’m in. Now she’s telling me to get the hell out of dodge, finally I agree with her and this was bat shit crazy. I just wanted to stay so I could tell him off face to face. He comes to my car.

I unlock the door and he gets in, I’m so fucking confused like so many questions are going through my head. Why I’m in the trap? Why didn’t you tell me you lived in the trap? Why did you think I would be okay with coming to the trap and 10pm? Are you riding with me? And if so why don’t you have a car? When I met you, you had a car what happened to it? He starts talking about how nice I look blah, blah, I’m just ready to get my little Pollyanna ass out of the trap before some shit pops off. I’m not even looking at him….. I just say “where are we going’? He says to this lounge up the street… I’m ready to tell him naw dude I’m cool on that and you. But I chill and just drive, plus I have my mase and box cutter if something does happen. Shit, I have seen too many episodes of Law and Order: SVU to be that damn chill. So we get to the spot and it’s a fucking hole in the wall. The same place where that ratchet ass woman questioned my taste in fashion (link).  It was definitely no damn Cheers. But everyone seems to know his name in the place. We find a seat and order drinks. So after a couple of sips I decide not to be “that bougie ass bitch”, that everyone in there probably thought I was and just talked to the guy. Hell I was already there and my Saturday night was in the toilet anyway, I just decided not to let it go to complete waste.

So after talking to him for about an hour, he’s was actually nice and kinda funny. He has a regular ass job (at least that’s what he told me), he just lives in the trap but overall he really didn’t act the rest of those bamas in there. I ended up having a decent time with him; I didn’t even cuss him out. Although, I did tell him no sir…. I will not be making about more trips to the trap and he should’ve given me a heads-up about the neighborhood. Will I go out with him again? Maybe but if we do it definitely won’t be on that side of town. He’s nice, cute, and funny and that’s cute for causal dating but not so much for serious dating. We’ll see I guess this is what dating is all about.   


  1. Lol @ going from the "hood" to the "trap"!!! Priceless. I'm glad to see there was a silver lining to what could've been the date from hood hell. Way to go being positive and down for a good time. Looking forward to seeing how date #2 goes with your trap star.

  2. @ South Loop Social Light There probably won't be a part II as I have found out that he doesn't have a car or he borrows his sister's car a lot... whatever the hell. So there's a slim to none chance I'll ever go back to his house in the TRAP. So if he wants to see me he'll have to make it to the suburbs and without a car that ain't happening.... it's unfortunate but so is my dating life. LOL!!
